The ICS will be holding its third International Triennial of the Silicate Arts in August 2011. The deadline for applications is March 31st, 2011...go to to find out more.
I have just written an article on the ICS and it is being published in the October 2010 edition #31 of Technical Magazine [Ceramic, Arts and Perception]. The article describes the facility, the history of the ICS, and the city of Kecskemet. Note; In the article the DEADLINE for the Triennial is incorrect, it has been changed to March 31, 2011.
In March 2011 Elaine O. Henry will also be writing and publishing an extensive article on the ICS Collection in Technical Magazine. Check out
It is time to close this blog. Heartfelt thanks go to Mary Daniel, [see her blog ] . She enriched my experience through her wonderful companionship and many discussions about ceramics. We look forward to returning.
For contacts and names of other residents go the the previous page, “Some of the people and events at the ICS.”
Betul and Margaret wave goodby - a few tears. We dragged our suitcases to the railway station...mine lost its damm drag is the operative term.
My calender is all filled choice.....time to go.
Packing up. We were not ready to go!
My dog from the 2008 Triennial Exhibition, lounging in the cellars. Next Triennial...August 2011!!
Fabulous dog by Susan Halls, guarding the door. Bibo and Jona spend a lot of time down here.
Heading down into the cellars where the ICS Collection is housed. The cellars are deep and very cool...great in the summer and hard sledging in the winter.
Everyone came to our show, and we were pleased that even though they had seen this work in process they spent time to look at everything in a 'gallery' setting.
Last visit to the Loft Gallery
My part of the studio, with food and wine for the opening.
Mary's room all lit up and ready for the Show.
Our rooms were all cleaned up. We have put together an exhibition for everyone at the ICS - The Trunk Show.
Terry Yip [Tbones] arrived for my last week. We are at train station heading to Kecskemet. I am pleased he has come and shall be glad of his camera-eye.
Thanks to Mia for helping with this blog. Kits Media